Friday, November 14, 2014

I'ts Finally Here.......Trujillo, Peru!

Opening my call was one of the most scariest times in my life, but without a doubt one of the most beautiful experiences I could ever be a part of. I already feel a connection to the country I will be serving in. I know Heavenly Father is sending me there because that is where I am needed. I know there are people there who I am supposed to meet that will strengthen my testimony. My Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ have blessed me with so much and I want to give back to them the beauty, and blessings that come from this Gospel by sharing it with His children. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and that Jesus Christ suffered for all of us so we can return to him. I love the gospel with all my heart and I want others to feel what I feel.
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Trujillo, Peru

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