Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Peru MTC

The flight was ubbbeerr long and a guy had a stroke on the plane! I got here safe and the humidity here isn't that bad it just feels like a sauna. So I wont ever be cold I guess. I got my official nametag today and it was pretty cool. The city here is like Burley. There are a lot of buildings that are destroyed and broken up from the mudslides. I can already feel the spirit really strong here. I don't think I prayed that much ever in my entire life yesterday haha I got a crack out of it. When I got off the plane and was driving to the MTC like at 1:30 this morning I just got an overwhelming calm feeling that this is where I'm supposed to be. Make sure that the kids read their scriptures, it really does help and my P day is Wednesday so that is when we will be able to email. If I want to haha JK!  It already feels like I have been here for awhile... which is strange I'm not nervous at all! Love you guys hope you are doing awesome!!!}

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