Wednesday, April 1, 2015

First week down!

I can't believe how fast this week went by! So much has happened. I don't have a lot of time. The electricity has been out because we had an earthquake this morning, was terrifyingly  awesome!!!!! I am having loads of fun, everything is so fast paced here. I have made so many friends already, including the cute little latino sisters...(legit as small as Kari!) My Spanish is sooo's ok, it's coming though. I 've learned as much here in 6 days than all the years of Spanish I took. My companion is awesome, her name is Hermana Ragsdale....she is exactly like me! It's really hot here, but seriously not that bad. I'm getting a tan on my lower legs...woohoo. Now these legs won't reflect the sun like mirrors. The food is good. You guessed it, I have potatoes every meal, muy fantastica.... it makes me cry :) I've had awesome churros, rice, weird fruit, delicious bread, and meat. I STILL DON'T EAT THE BEANS! All us missionaries are sick with puking and  "The dragon who breathes Fire!" hence, we are slaying the dragon,(ask my mom if you want to know). I can bear my testimony is Spanish now. The language is definitely the hardest part. One Elder here reminds me of you dad with lots of Jim Carey! He is hilarious. It makes me miss you even more. Dad I love you sooo sooo much. I get to wear pants tomorrow...Halleluiah! It's P day and we are going outside the walls without leaders. I get to ride a sketchy bus with muchas personas. People are psycho path drivers here. There are no speed limits and everyone always honks their horns and gets as close as possible to everyone else. There are a lot of rules, but it's ok, I keep them all :) I get so tired at the end of the day, I can't even think straight. My brain is done. We play sports everyday. Ok, when playing sports, garments and clothes are miserable! I can wring out my clothes and sweat will drip.....props to me! We are teaching our first lessons train wreck! but good learning experience. I bore my testimony is sacrament meeting in Spanish. Dang the spirit here is strong!! Hermana Sinks is so funny, she is exactly like Jackie, so it makes me happy! This truly is a great experience. I love it here and can't wait to get out and teach. I'm here to learn Spanish, Yo habla espanol muy mal. Oh, I'm senior companion which is way cool. Our district consists of 2 sets of Elders and 2 sets of Hermana's. So I got into trouble already! Can you guess what for?????? Ha, for laughing too loud. There's so much stuff, I can't get it all in, but I will write everything down. This Gospel is truly real. I can feel it all around me. I can see it in these missionaries eyes. I know I'm supposed to be here. The Holy Ghost bears witness to me everyday! I know my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me. I love you Mom, Dad, Paige, Dylon, Macie, Ellie, and Coy. I miss you so much and love you guys sooo soo much. Hasta Luego my familia!!!!!! Te quiero mi familia. Open your eyes.....See angels......and look for miracles. Yo se que Jesus Cristo es mi Salvador.

                                            Love Hermana Bronson

P.S. Tell everyone to write me letters, I need them!

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