Monday, May 18, 2015

I am thankful for the little things in life!

Wow, it has been a long week for me.....I think I have fleas! I itch all not fun. I also got to try beans this week, which many of you know that I hate beans...ew, ew, ew, but I pushed through it. I also have eaten an avocado which wasn't too bad! So I found out that there isn't enough missionaries here so they are saying if you have the priesthood here and are worthy and of age they will call people to the work without an actual mission call! It's really intense. I got a package from my mom today, it almost made me cry seeing all the food, especially the Peanut butter and Nutella! It's funny how much you appreciate the little things in life that we seem to not even pay attention to .Honestly it has been a really hard week, but I know that we are given weaknesses to see all the good in our lives. I am so thankful for the little things in my life and notice them so much more. I love and miss all of you!
FOOD.......I'm so happy!!!!!


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