Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Field is White and Ready to Harvest.....

I made it to Trujillo! We left last night and I am staying at the mission president's home tonight. I get my companion tomorrow. Her name is Sister Cervante. She grew up in Chili, but now lives in Trujillo. She will be my trainer for the next 3 months. The mission president took us directly to the Trujillo temple. He spoke to us about the importance of the temple and the great privilege it is to invite people to the temple to receive the blessings from the Lord. I am so thankful to be a part of this work and to have the blessing of a temple so close. I am so excited to get to talk to the family on Mother's Day! Have a great week......
John 4: 35-36

Meeting my companion for the first time.
I got cold cereal!!!!! Hooray!

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