Monday, May 11, 2015

Temple's are a blessing!

 Well we got moved into our apartment. We live in Huanchaco. My companion and I have been working at the Trujillo temple everyday. The open house is this whole month. It is a beautiful temple. 1000s of people came to the Trujillo Temple today. There were busses from Piura, Chimbote, Casma, Otusco and Huamachuco, and people from Guadalupe, Cajamarca, Trujillo. It was amazing to see so many who entered the house of the Lord and the sacrifice of those who traveled 8, 10, and 12 hours to walk on temple grounds and feel the Spirit of the Lord. After the reception at the temple I noticed a man crying and walked over to him to see if he was alright. He said he felt something....something he doesn't understand. I explained to him that the feeling he was having was the Holy Ghost bearing testimony of the truthfulness of what he saw and heard. I was able to share a Book of Mormon with him and all he kept saying was " I need this feeling and want to know more!" It was awesome.....How was Mother's Day for everyone? I hope everyone had a great day. It was good to see and talk to my family. It made me homesick though. I hate being homesick. Sometimes it feels like I have no one to talk to because my comp doesn't speak any English and I have no clue what she is saying most of the time. I do know I can talk to my Heavenly Father and this brings me so much comfort. I know that the language will come eventually and this is a trial I will be able to overcome with the Lord's help. Keep praying for me....I do feel the help from all your prayers. Send me letters...I love them. I love all of you, have a great week.


My apartment

We live right next to the beach.

What I see from my window! Rooftops!

The line to enter the Temple at the Open house

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