Monday, May 25, 2015

The power of the Book of Mormon

This week went by so quick! All the people here are so loving and kind. They are very embraceful. When we say "hi" to the people or the girls and children, you go cheek to cheek and make the kiss I think it's hilarious! All the kids play with old fashioned little wooden tops called Trompos. I tried playing with one and failed miserably. I got a package from my mom today and on the way to pick it up we had to take a taxi....sketchiest thing ever! He did not know how to drive!!!! He was swerving everywhere and ended up scraping up against a bus on the same side I was sitting. I hate when other people drive, his taxi was dented and scratched where it hit the bus...but the package was sooooooo worth almost dying for! I love getting all the letters, it's like a piece of that person is here with me. So I am still working in the temple every day. We got to take an investigator and her daughter through it the other day. They really enjoyed it. I love watching their emotions change when they can feel something, something good....its such an awesome moment to witness. So I get to still draw here, I draw pictures for the little kids, and they make me sing "Let it go" every single day! It makes me smile because its like them getting presents at Christmas....their faces light up and they all start singing it in Spanish. I am also learning how to play the piano because no one knows how to here so for church I want to be able to play the hymns. So we went out proselyting and ended up at a house that had a huge pit bull, it was horrifying. It came running out at us barking and nipped my hand. This is one of many dogs that have come running after me! So this week we went and talked with a girl named Zury. There is an older man that lives with her family, I think he is her uncle. He was trying to talk to me and I was trying to understand him, but it is still really difficult for me. He told me he wanted to come closer to God and that he feels Him a lot in his life, but what more can he do. He told me he couldn't read, so scriptures have been something he struggles with. I bore my testimony to him about how hard Spanish has been for me to learn and understand, but by reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish I have learned so much and understand more. I know its with the power of our Heavenly Father that I can do this and it only happens when I trust in the Lord and have faith knowing He can help me. He looked at me and asked much did a Book of Mormon cost? I told him it was a gift, and that he could keep it. He also said he would come to church this Sunday! It was truly an amazing experience. I know that was the power of our loving Heavenly Father. I have faith that He can learn to read with all my heart. I could see in his eyes he wants to know more so with his faith he will be able to, and that was my promise to him! I have had the opportunity to read the Book of Mormon in two weeks. I have highlighted every word that pertains to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I would challenge you to do the same. You realize how God has helped in the people's lives as well as ours now.. I know this Book is true, and it has blessed my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this truth with others...I love you all and miss you tons.

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