Wednesday, April 8, 2015

CCM....Week 2!

Hey Guys! Well this week was great! We are teaching the lessons already, but in Spanish. Man it's a struggle. The language is really hard. I can't understand when people say stuff to me, but I can say stuff really well, and when you don't know what to just go "BAM" testimony time hahaha. I've only been gone 2 weeks.....It feels like forever. I'm not sick with the dragon anymore, I think my body has adjusted. :) General conference was really good here, besides sitting on hard chairs for the whole thing....My favorite talk was by Wilford W. Anderson because it talked about music and So we have been playing gringo soccer. I really stink at it, but we play everyday, so I should get pretty good. It's kinda cool that I'm playing soccer in South America. We get newbies this week and I'm so excited to get to know them all. We got to go to the temple store  which is like somebody's little apartment, and I bought a scripture bag with a Llama on it! I also got to go to a 3 level store like Walmart...Uhhhhh YaY! There is Nutella here but no Dr. Pepper, makes me sad! So it's pretty much like high school here at the CCM, but I'm in class all day from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. By the end of the day I can't even think straight. My brain feels like its on overload. My companion is from Utah, her name is Sister Ragsdale, and she is pretty much like me. That is a blessing. All the people here are so nice. We taught one of the Latino Elders here how to say "See ya later alligator, In awhile crocodile. He was confused about the whole phrase, but he understands now. Oh by the way dad, all the Elders here have pocket We aren't allowed to listen to any music here at all. I catch myself singing and have to start singing I am a child of God! So Dylon I haven't seen one airplane in the sky while I have been here, and there are seriously only like 4 stars in the sky. I found out there is like 10 different kinds of mangos here and more than 100 types of potatoes!!! :) Makes me so happy!!!! So we were teaching this guy about Joseph Smith this week, and he asked " Why Joseph Smith?" As we were trying to explain to him about Joseph Smith I heard "Testimony" pop into my head, so I opened my mouth and bore my testimony to him on Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. You could feel the thickness of the spirit in the room. This has happened many times during lessons and on other occasions. Sometimes I feel like I am so out of it and feel like I can't think, speak, or understand anything. It's good though because we learn so much from our triumphs and mistakes. We can preach, but it is the spirit that teaches through us, without Him there is no conversion.  Keep the prayers coming. Sometimes when I just want to sit back, something keeps me going, and I know it's your prayers. We watched Meet the Mormons this week and it made me really homesick, but I have great Hermanas that act like a mom to me :) so I will be ok. The spirit is always with us here as long as we are in exact obedience (I miss being loud)....I can hear the spirit so much more now though. Even though I feel uber stressed, and my brain hurts and the language is slow, it is all worth it, to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ! The Holy Ghost bears witness of this to me whenever I start to doubt. Don't ever brush off the prompting of the Spirit, you will regret it....Thank you mom and dad for everything you taught me! Be super duper loud for me to keep it chaotic there, that's my specialty! Write me letters, I really need them. I love you all and hope you are doing good. Love.....Hermana Bronson

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