Wednesday, April 15, 2015

CCM....week 3!

So this week was Crazy!!! I love all my teachers, they are amazing and like older siblings to me. Hermano Onompa plays futbol with us and is super funny. They are the best teachers to have. It's like I'm in a room full of comedians, I am always laughing and smiling which keeps me sane while I'm in class most of the day! So I tried a new fruit this week. Its called Granadia. It is like peeling an orange but the inside looks like a brain and is slimy but so gooooood! I can eat so many, but it also ends me up in the bathroom. :) During our practice lessons we were with an Hermana. We talked about baptism and she kept asking why her baptism wasn't do you tell someone that!!!!! We literally were not talking during that lesson, the Spirit was and took over. When we walked out we asked her to be baptized, Holy Smokes, the Spirit was so powerful, probably the most powerful experience yet here. We also got to hear from a member of the quorum of the 70. He spoke in Portuguese so we had to wear headsets that translated everything for us. He answered questions us missionaries had about the doctrine. It's weird writing in English, my brain is trying to translate it all to Spanish. I don't know lots of words, but I know that with the information I have I can use it to share the Gospel. I have been able to teach 10-15 minute lessons in's really incredible the gift of tongues and the help from our Heavenly Father. There is an Elder in my district who always gets to be a fake investigator. He is always so goofy and loud, until it comes to this moment......His whole personage changes instantly. The investigator is his dad who is inactive and drinks. His parents are divorced. I can tell by the way he looks, it's a look of sadness. To play your dad like that would be a very spiritual experience. He has a desire for his dad to change. It brought tears to my eyes thinking about this. He is still out here on a mission and striving to do good. I'm grateful to have been born into a family with the gospel. I want families to be together forever and that is one of my reasons of serving a mission. The gospel blesses families. I love this gospel..... from it I strive to come unto Christ as well as inviting others to do so as well. Look at the little things, the beautiful things that you are blessed with...your family, the laughter, smiles, triumphs, even the trials given to us to strengthen our faith and testimonies. Know this day that Heavenly Father is there watching, and waiting for you to come unto Him. With and open heart and mind you may receive the truth testified by the Holy Ghost. For all that is good comes from our Savior Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven. I miss you all and love you!
Hermana Bronson

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