Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 4......It's been a long week!

This week was super long because we got to go out proselyting and it was sooooo humbling! We went to North Lima and the city literally looks like the aftermath of an atomic bomb, the people are so pooor. The first house that we went to their door was just a piece of plywood and inside their house they only had dirt floors and it was only a one room, it was sooo sad! It loooked like they lived in a shed. We also got to go teach a 17 year old girl who is a member but less active. It was a neat experience. My Spanish is better, I am trying my hardest to learn as much as I can. We get to go to the temple next week, I am excited for that. So I have a challenge for everyone!!!! Try to talk to somebody every week about the gospel....It can be hard, but the blessings are worth it. I am sorry I didn't get to really write a whole lot this week, we were so busy. I will write more next week. I am excited to leave the CCM, only 2 more weeks! I miss good food, like Chic-fil-A! Love you all and miss you. I hope you take my challenge!

Hermana Bronson
Lima, Peru, Temple

My District

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