Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Last week at the CCM

It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me and I haven't had a lot of time to write! It is my last week at the CCM, I can't hardly believe it. I was able to attend the Lima temple. They let all us missionaries go before sending us to our mission area. It was an awesome experience to do it all in Spanish. They give you cards to help you out, but they ran out and I had to repeat everything that this temple worker was saying and she was speaking so fast I could hardly understand her, so that made it a little scary. I was able to sit and ponder and pray in the Celestial room of the temple and what an awesome experience it was for me. As I sat there I felt a heaviness on my shoulder, like someone resting there hand there. I looked up and saw no one but had the distinct impression that Colton was there.....I am so thankful for this wonderful blessing and miracle. I know he watches over me. We also had the opportunity to teach English to some of the missionaries there. It was so much fun, and to be able to help others the way they have helped me felt great! In one of my classes this week I had to randomly pick somebody that I knew and loved and that was struggling with different things in there life and had to be them as I was being taught the gospel for a training. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I have had here. I cried the whole time, and the love I felt for this person was overwhelming! I am thankful to be taught by the Spirit and able to have these experiences. I have had a feeling that things will not be easy in the mission field at first, but I know that as I am obedient and listen to the Spirit and do all I can that the Lord will make up the rest. I am thankful for this opportunity to serve the Lord and the people of Peru!

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